Exceptional curation starts with a stellar curator. Meet our all-star menu master Lisa. Lisa comes to Seed with six years of cannabis experience and a deep passion for the community. In her own words: “I don’t just love weed, I love helping other people find their relationship with it.” #seed #seedyourhead #bostondispensary #bostonweed #bostoncannabis #bostonmarijuana #bostonsbestdispensary
Exceptional curation starts with a stellar curator.
Meet our all-star menu master Lisa. Lisa comes to Seed with six years of cannabis experience and a deep passion for the community.
In her own words: “I don’t just love weed, I love helping other people find their relationship with it.”
#seed #seedyourhead #bostondispensary #bostonweed #bostoncannabis #bostonmarijuana #bostonsbestdispensary
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