The Pride Block Party will be capped off with an extravagant Drag Show performance hosted by the infamous Queen Mizery McRae! @mizery21 It’s all happening Sunday, June 27th at Perkins Street in Hyde Square. Mark your calendars! #mizerymcrae #jppride #prideblockparty #bostonpride #seed #seedyourhead #bostondispensary #bostonweed #bostoncannabis #bostonmarijuana #bostonsbestdispensary
The Pride Block Party will be capped off with an extravagant Drag Show performance hosted by the infamous Queen Mizery McRae! @mizery21
It’s all happening Sunday, June 27th at Perkins Street in Hyde Square. Mark your calendars!
#mizerymcrae #jppride #prideblockparty #bostonpride #seed #seedyourhead #bostondispensary #bostonweed #bostoncannabis #bostonmarijuana #bostonsbestdispensary
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